Daily Archives: April 30, 2010


A suitcase just for my yarn

Tomorrow I leave fair NY for Quito, Ecuador where I will spend the next 4 months. Today I spent a small fortune at USPS. I’ve been participating in a traveling scarf and since I’m leaving I asked that scarves be sent to me early. So I sent on 3 scarves today. Also last year I agreed to participate in Pay It Forward (PIF). This is where you offer to handmake something for 5 people and each of those people handmake for 5 others and so on. I had intended to have all my PIFs sent by the end of 2009 but that was not to be. Luckily, handmade goods seem to come with a long statute from promise to delivery. Anyhow, I sent out my PIFs today as well. In addition, I’m participating in the Anthropologie Knits ravelry group swap. And though it’s a bit early to send packages, I sent mine out. I was a bit shocked at the final cost for shipping all the above plus a couple of other items. One of those were these Circuitry socks. I ran the NYC marathon last year and in fundraising I promised knitted items. This person will finally receive her item.

To raffle winner Archergal5219

Above I added a photo of one of my suitcases. I’m only going to be in Ecuador for four months but with designing and just project knitting, it was hard deciding on what yarns to take. Receiving mail in Ecuador is extremely sketchy so I want to have all I need. A friend told me that I should take one suitcase for my knitting because I’m a “professional designer.” I’m still not completely comfortable with that term though I do call myself a “fledgling designer.” Nonetheless, I’m taking one suitcase just for my knitting.

Now to start packing clothes… Should be a lot easier than deciding on yarns. I so hope that I have all I need. My worst nightmare is that I’ll be totally inspired to design some knit item and then not have the correct yarn to execute my vision.

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